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The Future Beneath Our Feet: Soil-Cement Bricks and the Path to Sustainable Construction

February 13, 2024 Eduardo Souza 0

Bricks are part of the collective imagination when thinking about construction. These are elementary, ubiquitous, modular, light, and reliable materials for erecting buildings. However, traditional ceramic block manufacturing relies on burning clay in kilns at high temperatures, often powered by non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal or natural gas. Furthermore, the transportation process significantly increases its environmental footprint, as the materials are heavy and bulky. In light of this, there is a growing interest in alternative construction materials that offer a lower environmental impact and greater sustainability. Soil cement bricks –or Compressed Stabilized Earth Blocks– are a good example of an existing alternative, as they have a smaller environmental footprint due to their use of local raw materials and the elimination of the burning process, while maintaining many of the intrinsic qualities of traditional bricks.

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Design Freedom: Integrating Aesthetics and Energy Efficiency in Solar Facades

February 7, 2024 Eduardo Souza 0

Autonomy and freedom during the design process are invaluable resources for architects, especially when defining a volume and choosing materials, systems, and solutions for a building. The flexibility of these elements must not only promote their harmonious integration within a structure but, above all, allow architects to incorporate them without the need to change their initial concepts. This design freedom becomes even more crucial in the context of facades, specifically in building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) facades. This is due to the unique challenge of incorporating the energy capture function into the design of the building envelope, simultaneously demanding adaptation to the designer’s aesthetic preferences and effective performance, as well as the entire infrastructure for capturing and transporting energy.

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Transforming Hotel Renovations with Eco-Friendly Solutions

January 22, 2024 Eduardo Souza 0

Hotel renovations today transcend mere improvements in guest comfort or alignment with prevailing design trends. A major demand currently facing the industry is the need to respond to the growing wave of environmental awareness and embrace sustainable development objectives. The requirement to address sustainability is driven by a growing social awareness of environmental issues. Guests and stakeholders are increasingly advocating for sustainably certified structures, achieved through eco-friendly installations and innovative solutions, such as green roofs, eco-friendly materials, and innovative facades. This sustainability-driven shift benefits the environment and promises long-term savings in water and energy costs for hotels. Specifically in the case of hotels, improving the efficiency of hot water equipment can make a large difference in hotel management, as this generally represents a huge expense and waste of energy.

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How to Bring Comfort and Warmth to the Design of Public Spaces?

January 18, 2024 Eduardo Souza 0

Public spaces, whether indoors or outdoors, public or private, are characterized as places for encounters, opportunities, and exchanges of ideas or goods, and ultimately, they are a key part of a city’s identity. However, with the rise of the internet and social networks, many of these functions have migrated to the virtual environment or lost some of their relevance. In addition, we experienced a setback in in-person relationships during the long period of isolation that accompanied the pandemic. Faced with these challenges, architects are confronted with the fundamental question of how to revitalize these crucial spaces for society, while understanding their vital importance. Can design be the key to reviving public spaces? How can we make places that are both everyone’s and no one’s truly comfortable?

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Revolutionizing Affordable Housing: The AI-Powered, Climate-Friendly Solution of Project Phoenix

December 19, 2023 Eduardo Souza 0

The global housing crisis generates a wide range of challenges, from those who are in situations of homelessness, to the realities of millions who face unaffordable housing conditions, overcrowding, and excessively high rents. Tackling this involves political will, the union of the state and private companies, and innovative solutions that prioritize accessibility, sustainability, and government mechanisms that enable a functioning system. Amongst all of these factors though, one thing is certain: we need to build massively in the future to improve the housing situation. The implementation of efficient construction methods, such as prefabrication and modular construction, can speed up the creation of affordable housing units, reducing construction costs and timeframes. Adopting green building practices, such as using recycled materials and designing energy-efficient structures, not only contributes to sustainability but minimizes long-term operating expenses for residents.

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Dynamic Building Façades: Flexibility and Adaptability in Architecture

December 14, 2023 Eduardo Souza 0

The referential of movement, which describes the variation in an object’s position and velocity according to the observer’s perspective, is one of the fundamental concepts of physics. This idea not only influences the understanding of movement in physical systems but can also be analogously applied in other areas, such as architecture, where the different perspectives of users can shape their experiences and interactions with built space. Each person brings cultural, emotional, and physical baggage, resulting in unique architectural interactions, similar to an observer’s interpretation of a motion reference.

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Inclusive Design that Meets the Needs of an Aging Society

December 13, 2023 Eduardo Souza 0

The world’s population is undergoing a significant demographic transformation, with an increasingly larger portion of people reaching older ages. This has prompted governments to implement public policies aimed at promoting the well-being of the growing number of elderly individuals worldwide. Alongside this trend, there is a need to address special needs that extend beyond just the elderly population and encompass various age groups. Advancements in medical science have enabled many people with disabilities or special needs to lead fuller and more independent lives, contributing to a more inclusive society. This progress also places a crucial responsibility on architects and designers, who must create built environments that are genuinely inclusive, and capable of accommodating a wide diversity of individuals with specific medical needs and varying levels of mobility. This underscores the fundamental importance of universal design and accessibility principles.

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Turning Corn Waste Into an Innovative Bio-Based Material

December 12, 2023 Eduardo Souza 0

The practice of upcycling –present in a variety of industries from fashion to construction– not only revitalizes discarded items, adding new values and functions, but also contributes to turning them into valuable resources. Adopting the spirit of the circular economy by harnessing agricultural waste such as corn cobs, rice straw, and sugar cane bagasse for building materials marks a fundamental shift towards sustainable practices, promoting a closed-loop system that minimizes waste and optimizes resource efficiency.

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The Modern Toilet: How Innovation Has Transformed the Bathroom

December 12, 2023 Eduardo Souza 0

Even the most mundane elements of everyday life have undergone remarkable developments throughout the years, especially when it comes to practicality, efficiency, and sustainability. A notable example is the contemporary toilet, an essential element for any home or public space, which has undergone significant transformations. Although they may appear to have remained relatively unchanged over the decades in terms of design and materials, incorporating technology has been the main development, offering improvements in comfort, variety of design, and innovative features. The evolution of toilets transcends mere functionality, representing a fusion of technology, design, and sustainability to create a holistic bathroom experience.