Espresso Yourself With This Brutalist Coffee Machine

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

Architects and coffee go hand in hand. The aesthetic of the espresso maker has become a mundane part of the morning ritual. The designers at Montaag are changing that with the release of AnZa  a show-stopping espresso maker made of concrete. After four years of prototyping and testing, the espresso maker is equipped with high-tech functionality for important things, like remotely brewing your cup as an incentive to get out of bed. 

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

Principal at Montaag, Per Ivar Selvaag comments on the current design of coffee machines,  “Surprisingly little in the way of new thinking has taken place in the world of espresso machines—especially given the attention paid to progressive interior architecture and how much real estate these machines take up in your kitchen.”

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

The prototyping for the AnZa was done in the back shed of their Berkeley, California office. Montaag is a multidisciplinary design studio with offices in Oslo and Stavanger, Norway focusing their design efforts toward creating solutions to unorthodox design problems. This motive is exemplary in the two models of the espresso maker, the concrete and corian, mixing common building materials, glass, brass, wood to create something truly extraordinary.

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag

The concrete model AnZa takes on a brutalist aesthetic, the perfect countertop accessory for an architect. In contrast to the rough concrete, the white corian model has crisper lines and is more minimal (trendy coffeeshop #goals). Can’t imagine your life without it? Check out their IndieGoGo campaign here where you can pledge $799 to receive your choice of the corian or concrete espresso maker.

Courtesy of Montaag

Courtesy of Montaag